Learn about Front Row Theatrical Rental's Mary Poppins rental costumes.
Individually labeled garment bags separated by character.
Receive costumes no less than 10 days before opening.
Principles crates roll into dressing rooms .*
Add additional costumes to clothe large casts, in any size.
Front Row Scenic's Mary Poppins rental costumes were acquired in 2018. The costume rental is a complete package containing all looks needed for the entire show. Both principle and ensemble complete costumes are included. The costume package takes inspiration from the Mary Poppins Broadway production as well as the original movie..
Mary's costumes include the iconic blue coat, a red coat, a gray coat, the Jolly Holiday Dress and of course, her white and blue striped blouse. Bert's rental costumes include Jolly Holiday, Step in Time, Supporting characters include - Mr. and Mrs. Banks, Ms. Brill, the children, Mrs. Corey and her daughters, the Admiral, the Bird Lady, Robertson Aye and the Housekeeper. Ensemble costumes include Jolly Holiday, Super Califragilisticexpialidocious, The Chimney Sweeps and the Star-lighters.
The Mary Poppins costume rental package is designed based on the Broadway plot but with the expandability to accommodate more cast members
The costumes themselves are able to accommodate actors of various sizes and body-types.
The Front Row Theatrical staff guides renters through the entire process of renting costumes from the first call to returning the costumes.
Costume plots, check sheets, scene breakdowns and cleaning instructions are provided to make the entire rental process as seamless as possible.
...... A rental set, costume, projection or props package specifically designed for professional productions with an attention to detail and quality.
Premium Broadway costume rentals come in customized gondolas allowing entire characters clothing to be rolled into their dressing rooms*.
Front Row Theatrical Rental differentiates itself by exclusively offering affordable Broadway national tour quality sets, costumes, projections and props for professional theaters to educational institutions alike.
Receive costumes no less than 10 days before the opening of the show, compare to others at only the Monday before.
From California to Florida to Maine, costume packages can be shipped anywhere.
Available concierge service pre-hems and fits costumes to your cast.
Costume packages can be expanded to fit any size cast or cast member.
Each of Front Row Theatrical Rental's costume rental packages have been assembled and tech'ed by industry experts who are also active stagehands in their Broadway community. In addition to cutting, draping, sewing and shopping costumes for Front Row, these stagehands routinely work for Broadway national tours and other events.
Having costume packages built, shopped and maintained by the same people who tour and maintain costumes on Broadway and beyond, provides Front Row's client the advantage of a rental costume package that has been built to be easy to use, understand and wardrobe an entire cast quickly, which saves time and money.
Building a costume package from scratch can be very expensive. Many clients can actually get more extravagant costumes while renting then they otherwise could afford to build themselves. When Front Row puts together a costume rental package, they are planning on splitting the costs between multiple clients. Because of this, the costumes themselves can be more complex and expensive. Given the expense of costume construction with the ever-rising materials costs to the labor needed to the space required, renting can save clients money when compared to building their costumes in-house or even save them money when compared to buying costumes from Amazon.
The opportunity to rent allows presenting theater's to offer an bigger, bolder, grander product to their audiences.
Save money by renting a costume package when compared to building your own. No materials to buy, no overages to worry about, no labor build costs. For those who have a shop, let the staff focus on other tasks. If not, then renting saves more money by not having to outsource the build.
Get more costumes than by individually building the costumes in house. Front Row's packaged build costs are spread out across multipule productions meaning more money is spent, creating a greater product than individual theatres can often afford themselves.
Front Row offers a complete Mary Poppins show package combining individual rental components including the Mary Poppins set, costumes and props rentals into a single discounted package.
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This Mary Poppins rental costume package follows the Broadway plot but contains additional costumes to help expand the ensemble since more actors are often cast by professional and regional productions. Front Row also stocks many of the individual costumes in multiple sizes to ensure that the costumes will fit actors of various sizes. The Mary Poppins costume rental package arrives via LTL carrier on pallets with the costumes grouped by character in garment bags.
Front Row offers a complete Mary Poppins show package combining individual rental components including the Mary Poppins set, costumes and props rentals into a single discounted package.
This Mary Poppins rental costume package follows the Broadway plot but contains additional costumes to help expand the ensemble since more actors are often cast by professional and regional productions. Front Row also stocks many of the individual costumes in multiple sizes to ensure that the costumes will fit actors of various sizes. The Mary Poppins costume rental package arrives via LTL carrier on pallets with the costumes grouped by character in garment bags.
Costumes arrive in individually grouped garment bags separated by character for the principles or scene for the ensemble. The bags come in custom crates that allow the costumes to be rolled into place or in boxes on a pallet(s). This individually labeled set-up means less time spent preparing and sorting the costumes once received by the renter. Spending less time saves Front Row's renters money and allows them to spend more time focusing on presenting an amazing production.
Front Row Theatrical Rental offers theatre costume rental clients more time with their rental costume packages. Being a company of union stage hands, Front Row understands the importance of getting the rental costumes as early as possible so client's wardrobe teams having fittings, make alterations, and even have a costume parade. Front Row ensures the costumes arrive at least 10 days before a clients opening. Compare that to other rental houses that only offer the costumes the same week of opening. More time equals a better product for our clients audiences.
This Mary Poppins rental costume package follows the Broadway plot but contains additional costumes to help expand the ensemble since more actors are often cast by professional and regional productions. Front Row also stocks many of the individual costumes in multiple sizes to ensure that the costumes will fit actors of various sizes. The Mary Poppins costume rental package arrives via LTL carrier on pallets with the costumes grouped by character in garment bags.
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The Front Row Theatrical Rental costume rental process is just as easy for first-time renters as seasoned pros. Scroll down to see detailed information for each step of the rental process from before booking to the load-out after the show.
Call or email our friendly, knowledgeable staff to book the Mary Poppins rental costumes.
After confirming pricing, a contract will then be sent, via email. As soon as it is signed and returned, Front Row will reserve the performance dates. Shortly after the contract is returned, a deposit will be due.
Clients recieve the costumes first to allow a review of everything received. Then the balance of the rental money is due.
After the contract has been returned and the deposit has been paid, clients receive a link to a digital drive. Inside the drive is the costume plot, check-off sheet, sizing paperwork and pictures. From this information clients can plan the costuming of their cast.
As the performance dates near, Front Row will reach out to discuss shipping costs and options.
After a client has cast their show, Front Row will send out cast sizing sheets. These sheets ask for information on height, weight and measurements etc so Front Row can send costumes for each character in sizes matching each actor as closely as possible.
Front Row has costumes to fit almost any actor but costumes will require some degree of alteration for the best fit.
Costumes arrive via LTL carrier in custom crates designed to roll into dressing rooms with the costumes hung inside* or packed in boxes on pallets.
Costumes may need to be altered or hemed to best fit actors
After alterations and distributing the costumes its time to set the lighting and have an amazing show by enjoying the Mary Poppins costume rentals on your stage!
After the final bow, its time to clean the costumes. Some costumes can be washed in a standard washing macheine, while others require dry cleaning. Once the costumes are cleaned, they need to be packaged back into their respective, labeled bags. Clients need to rehang all costumes on the provided hangers, not the dry cleaners hangers and must remove all dry cleaning tags and alterations prior to shipping. Front Row allows 7 days from closing until the costumes are picked up for cleaning and repackaging free of chrage with each rental.
The truck for retuning the costumes can be arranged by Front Row or clients are always free to arrange their own if they so choose. or scroll for more Mary Poppins costume rental information.
Come back next season for a discount on a future show. Returning customers can be eligible for discounts.
Take a look through all of Front Row Theatrical's available rentals to help inform your decision about next years' shows. Get the rights to your ideal shows and come back to book another Front Row Premium costume rental for your next season!. See all available rentals.
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A complete listing of all available Mary Poppins rental packages from Front Row Theatrical Rental.
Pricing is based on length of run and time of year as well as other factors. In addition to individual pricing per package, Front Row offers customizable pricing for multiple packages or specific dates. Also, from time to time, Front Row offers special discounts and specials on specific properties. The table below is merely intended to give potential renters **an idea** of starting costs. Additional discounts may be available through the packaging of multiple shows or packages. Contact us for more information. Check our Specials Page for more information.
For the run of show; includes tech rehearsals.
Front Row offers a brand new premium Mary Poppins rental set. The set features an enormous and grand parlor, a historic kitchen with magic, a beautiful park, 3 drops and more.
For the run of show; includes tech rehearsals.
A complete Mary Poppins costume rental package is available for rental from Front Row Theatrical Rental. Available in multiple sizes and for various cast sizes.
For the run of show; includes tech rehearsals.
As a separate rental, Front Row offers a complete Mary Poppins hand props rental package. Highlights include a special magic bag, the umbrella with the bird head and more.
For the run of show; includes tech rehearsals.
Front Row offers still and moving digital projections rentals for Mary Poppins. These are intended to be a standalone package in place of actually scenery although they can be used to augment.
Contact us today to get customized packaged pricing for one or more Mary Poppins rental packages.
Discounts also available for those renting more than one show from Front Row. (I.E. Mary Poppins and Beauty and the Beast.)
Get a quote, ask a question or book a Mary Poppins rental set, costume, prop or projection rental from Front Row Theatrical Rental.
Or use the form below to contact us: